This course provides qualifying candidates with specific knowledge, skills and confidence that will enable them to recognize and overcome their fears so they may return to safe individual driving.
The instructor reviews the circumstances leading up to the incident and if feasible will retrace the drivers actions to analyze what went wrong, what the driver might have been able to do and what the driver's best course of action would have been to avoid being involved in the incident.
Upon gaining all relevant information, the instructor will developing a positive plan of action, utilizing specialized equipment that will help regain confidence in the driver to return to their maximum potential.
This driver training course is also ideal for drivers who may have lost their confidence having been involved in an accident as a passenger, or as drivers who have developed phobias such as being unable to cope with certain aspects of driving.
© Skid Control Inc. 2014. All rights reserved.
Our rehab program is customized to
one-on-one training with an
experienced instructor to ensure
candidates driving knowledge, skills
and confidence levels reach an
advanced level while overcoming
all fears.
$90 per hour
* Prices do not include taxes
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